Dec 132021

The Tripura Labour Department on December 04, 2021, has decided to revise the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) for different categories of workers engaged in the employment of shops and establishments in Tripura and shall be payable with effect from October 01, 2021.

Whereas, the total minimum wages per month for the following categories of workers are:

• Unskilled: Rs 6,314 per month
• Semi-skilled: Rs. 6,927 per month
• Skilled: Rs. 7,747 per month

The overtime rate shall be double the ordinary rate of minimum wages.



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Dec 092021

ESIC vide circular No. T-11/13/56/02/2020 Rev.II has acknowledged to all regional and sub-regional offices regarding the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India that payment of conveyance allowance as per the present case does not fall under the definition of term “wages” which means “all remuneration paid or payable in cash to an employee if the terms of the contract of employment, express or implied, were fulfilled and includes [any payment to an employee in respect of any period of authorized leave, lock-out, a strike which is not illegal or layoff and] other additional remuneration if any, [paid at intervals not exceeding two months], but does not include

(a) any contribution paid by the employer to any pension fund or provident fund, or under this Act ;

(b) any traveling allowance or the value of any traveling concession ;

(c) any sum paid to the person employed to defray special expenses entailed on him by the nature of his employment; or

(d) any gratuity payable on discharge”.

Therefore, concluded that conveyance allowance shall not form part of the wages of the employees and the judgment hold good with effect from 8th March 2021. Please refer to the circular and enclosed judgment for more details.

Our Views

ESIC Circular: Honorable Supreme Court Decision on Conveyance in ESIC v/s Texmo Industries

The Circular issued by the ESI Corporation, which is attached along with is contradictory. They have made Conveyance Exempt from the 8th of March 2021, which is the date of the Supreme Court Order. The Supreme Court cannot amend the law but can throw clarity on the law and therefore the clarity comes in effect from the time the ESI Act, 1948 (As amended) was enacted.

Conveyance is not a wage that has been determined by the Honorable Supreme Court and this position is now accepted by the ESI Corporation.

Now, the establishment is left with 2 options.

Option 1

Exempt Conveyance as a wage, this will lower the contribution of the existing employees but also bring fresh employees, whose gross including conveyance was higher than Rs. 21000.00, into the coverage of the ESIC as their gross after deduction of conveyance may be less than Rs. 21000.00. This will be an expensive proposition for the employer.

Option 2

Merge Conveyance with Special allowance or Supplementary Allowance or any other allowance being paid monthly. Delete the word Conveyance from the nomenclature. This will maintain the status quo. There will be no change in the contribution values and no new employee will fall under coverage.

Our recommendation is to proceed with Option 2.

ESI-Conv-Allowance-Circular.pdf-1   DOWNLOAD



Dec 062021

The Labour Department of Delhi on 15 November 2021 has published the Delhi Shops and Establishments (Amendment) Rules, 2021, through which the application for registration of establishment and the manner of notifying changes shall be made online.

As per the amendment under rule 3, the occupier of the establishment, within 90 days of the commencement of work of his establishment shall apply for the registration under the Act, online on the Shop and Establishment Portal of Labour Department.

On submission of application online on the Shop & Establishment portal of Labour Department, Government of NCT of Delhi, the registration certificate shall be generated online in Form C under rule 4.

Further, the occupier shall notify any change in respect of any information under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Act within 30 days after such change has taken place, online, on the Shop & Establishment Portal of Labour Department, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Schedule- I and Schedule- II which specify “under rule 3 & 5” & “under rule 6“respectively, have been omitted.

• Form G which specifies “REGISTER OF WAGES / DEDUCTIONS / OVERTIME/ ADVANCES”, has been substituted.

• Form H & I “Register of Employment and Remuneration of Employees” & “Register of Leave”, has been omitted.


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Nov 262021

The Government of Jharkhand vide Notification No-2/MW-207/2020, L&T-1214 has released the Minimum Wages effective from 1st October 2021.




Nov 232021





Nov 192021

Central Minimum wages (VDA) have been revised from st Oct 2021 to 31st Mar 2022.




Nov 162021

Implementation of the ESI Act, 1948 under Section 1(3) in the entire area of Ahmednagar, Jalna, and Yavatmal districts in the State of Maharashtra shall be effective from 01.11.2021.

Ahmednagar-Jalna-Yamatwal-Maharashtra-district-wholly-going to-Covered-under-ESI <<<Download<<<

Gazette-Copy <<<Download<<<




Nov 122021

Enclosed is all the Tie-Up Hospital that are glad to extend & have expressed their willingness to provide SST services to our beneficiaries in Odisha.

ALL-SST-Tie-up-Hospital-Odisha  <<< Download<<<



Nov 092021

The government has approved an 8.5% rate of interest on employees’ provident fund for 2020-21 fiscal, Just ahead of Diwali, this is good news for over five crore subscribers of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

The 8.5% rate of interest on provident fund deposits for the last financial year was decided by the EPFO’s apex decision-making body Central Board of Trustees (CBT) headed by the Labour Minister in March this year.

“The rate of interest on EPF for 2020-21 has been ratified by the Ministry of Finance and now it would be credited into the accounts of over five crore subscribers.”


Download from the above link!



Oct 282021


The government of Madhya Pradesh has issued a circular to all jurisdictional officers in Madhya Pradesh under The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979. As per the circular, the labor department has directed all jurisdictional officers to run a special campaign from 1st July 2021 to 31st July 2021 for registration of major employers and license to the contractor and make all the employers or institutions and labor organizations of their jurisdiction aware of instructions as mentioned in the circular.


  1. As per section 18 employer without permission, no employee will be deployed from one state to another.
  2. As per section 13, all inter-state migrant workers’ wages will be paid as per the minimum wages act.
  3. Employer will have to bear the cost of traveling to & fro of the respective employee.
  4. All Employer are advised to issue One passbook which will include the details of the employee/Employer /Employee Photo & all emergency contact number/KYC Details.
  5. All Wages will be transferred to the respective bank account.
  6. All Wages will be transferred to the respective bank account.

All Employer wherein on any day or having more than 5 migrant workers will have to register & pay a nominal fee for Registration per the chart given below


Also the License fees as per the chart



