Jan 172022

Now EPFO has put more curbs for getting the E-Nomination to be initiated by the Employee as on a large scale the E-nomination is pending.
In my earlier blog, I had mentioned the benefits of the E-nomination necessary link is given below

E-Nomination Compulsory for Withdrawal (New Update on the EPFO Portal of Member)

Now all EPFO members compulsory have to do the E-nomination in order to avail the various benefits as framed by EPFO in the act The benefits of filing e-nomination are as follows: 1) Filing of e-nomination helps in getting Provident Fund (PF), Pension (EPS), and Insurance (EDLI) benefits easily in case of the death of … Continue reading E-Nomination Compulsory for Withdrawal (New Update on the EPFO Portal of Member)

Now in order to view your Balance or any claim status, E-Nomination will be compulsory pls refer to the screenshot

SENSYS TECHNOLOGIES can assist to achieve the above activity: Our team to support the establishments for a smooth e-Nomination functionality process following activities has
been initiated.
Brief details video has been created for the e-Nomination process E-nomination Video ( Procedure & guidelines) click the link. You are requested to share
the link as a guideline to all the employees to process the same.



Jan 142022
Jan 132022

Now all EPFO members compulsory have to do the E-nomination in order to avail the various benefits as framed by EPFO in the act

The benefits of filing e-nomination are as follows:

1) Filing of e-nomination helps in getting Provident Fund (PF), Pension (EPS), and Insurance (EDLI) benefits easily in case of the death of the member

2) It also facilitates the nominee to file online claims
The EPFO members must be aware of the benefits of the different EPFO schemes. They are as follows:

Benefits of EPF
The EPFO members must be aware of the various benefits of the EPF scheme. They are as follows:

1) Accumulation plus interest upon retirement, resignation, death.

2) Partial withdrawals allowed for specific expenses such as house construction, higher education, marriage, illness, and others

Benefits of EPS

The benefits under the EPS scheme are as follows:

1) Monthly benefits for superannuation/ retirement, disability, survivor, widow (er), children

2) Amount of pension based on average salary during the preceding 12 months from the date of exit and total years of employment.

3) Minimum pension on disablement

4) Past service benefits to participants of erstwhile Family Pension Scheme.

Benefits of EDLI

The EDLI Scheme is an insurance scheme that provides life insurance benefits to all employees who are members of the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 or of PF Schemes exempted under Section 17 of the EPF & MP Act, 1952. The EDLI scheme is supported by a nominal contribution by the employers
(@0.5 percent of monthly wages, up to the maximum wage limit of Rs 15,000).

No contribution is payable by the employees for availing of insurance cover under this Scheme. The benefits payable under EDLI Scheme have been enhanced by the Central Government.

Jan 102022

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948), the Central Government hereby appoints the 1st day of January 2022, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act, namely,-

(i) sections 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and sections 45A to 45H of Chapter IV;
(ii) sections 46 to 73 of Chapter V; and
(iii) sections 74, 75, sub-sections (2) to (4) of sections 76, 80, 82 and 83 of Chapter VI,
shall come into force in the entire areas of the following districts in the State of Assam:-



Ministry-of-Labour-and-Employment-issues-the-date-of-implementation-of-certain-provisions-of-ESI-act-in-the-districts-of-ASSAM – Download

Jan 032022

Andaman-and-Nicobar-union-territory-list-of-holidays-2022-1 – Download

Andhra-Pradesh-List-of-Holidays-2022 – Download

Assam-List-of-Holidays-2022 – Download

Bihar-Government-Holiday-List-2022-pdf – Download

Central-Govt-holiday-list-2022 – Download

Chandigarh-holiday-list-2022 – Download

chhattisgarh-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

Daman-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

Holidays_2022_New-Delhi – Download

Goa-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

Gujarat-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

himachal-pradesh-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

jammu-and-kashmir-union-territory-list-of-holiday-2022 – Download

Jharkhand-Holiday-List-2022-Notification – Download

Karnataka-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

Kerala-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

madhya-pradesh-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

Maharashtra-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

Manipur-Holiday-List-2022 –  Download

mizoram-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

nagaland-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download


Puducherry-Govt-List-of-Holidays-2022 – Download

Punjab-Gazetted-Holiday-2022-Eng-Pbi – Download

rajasthan-state-list-of-holiday-2022 – Download

Holidays_2022_Tamil-Nadu – Download

Holidays-2022-Telangana – Download

tripura-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

West-Bengal-Holiday-List-2022 – Download

meghalaya-state-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download

ladakh-union-territory-list-of-holidays-2022 – Download


Rest pending States will be updated as the Notification is released.

Dec 202021

Whereas the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi had last revised the minimum rates of wages in Schedule Employments under the Minimum Wages 12(142)/02/MW/VII/3636 dated 22/10/2019. And whereas, in the abovementioned notification, it was stipulated that the Dearness Allowance will be payable on the basis of six monthly average index numbers of January to June and July to December, on 1s April and 1 October respectively.

The following revised rates of minimum wages shall be applicable in respect of unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled categories in all schedules employment:-

The following rates of minimum wages shall be applicable in respect of Clerical and Supervisory Staff in all Scheduled employments:


DOWNLOAD: Delhi-minimum-wages-1 


Dec 162021

The Government of Odisha vides notification No.5639/LC, has released the Minimum Wages effective from 1st October 2021 for the State of Odisha.

Download the-odisha-minimum-wages-notification-1st-october-2021


Dec 132021

The Tripura Labour Department on December 04, 2021, has decided to revise the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) for different categories of workers engaged in the employment of shops and establishments in Tripura and shall be payable with effect from October 01, 2021.

Whereas, the total minimum wages per month for the following categories of workers are:

• Unskilled: Rs 6,314 per month
• Semi-skilled: Rs. 6,927 per month
• Skilled: Rs. 7,747 per month

The overtime rate shall be double the ordinary rate of minimum wages.



Download (https://blog.pcsmgmt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Tripura-Labour-Department-revisesVDA-for-different-categories-of-workers-engaged-in-the-employment-of-Shops-and-Establishments.pdf)

Dec 092021

ESIC vide circular No. T-11/13/56/02/2020 Rev.II has acknowledged to all regional and sub-regional offices regarding the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India that payment of conveyance allowance as per the present case does not fall under the definition of term “wages” which means “all remuneration paid or payable in cash to an employee if the terms of the contract of employment, express or implied, were fulfilled and includes [any payment to an employee in respect of any period of authorized leave, lock-out, a strike which is not illegal or layoff and] other additional remuneration if any, [paid at intervals not exceeding two months], but does not include

(a) any contribution paid by the employer to any pension fund or provident fund, or under this Act ;

(b) any traveling allowance or the value of any traveling concession ;

(c) any sum paid to the person employed to defray special expenses entailed on him by the nature of his employment; or

(d) any gratuity payable on discharge”.

Therefore, concluded that conveyance allowance shall not form part of the wages of the employees and the judgment hold good with effect from 8th March 2021. Please refer to the circular and enclosed judgment for more details.

Our Views

ESIC Circular: Honorable Supreme Court Decision on Conveyance in ESIC v/s Texmo Industries

The Circular issued by the ESI Corporation, which is attached along with is contradictory. They have made Conveyance Exempt from the 8th of March 2021, which is the date of the Supreme Court Order. The Supreme Court cannot amend the law but can throw clarity on the law and therefore the clarity comes in effect from the time the ESI Act, 1948 (As amended) was enacted.

Conveyance is not a wage that has been determined by the Honorable Supreme Court and this position is now accepted by the ESI Corporation.

Now, the establishment is left with 2 options.

Option 1

Exempt Conveyance as a wage, this will lower the contribution of the existing employees but also bring fresh employees, whose gross including conveyance was higher than Rs. 21000.00, into the coverage of the ESIC as their gross after deduction of conveyance may be less than Rs. 21000.00. This will be an expensive proposition for the employer.

Option 2

Merge Conveyance with Special allowance or Supplementary Allowance or any other allowance being paid monthly. Delete the word Conveyance from the nomenclature. This will maintain the status quo. There will be no change in the contribution values and no new employee will fall under coverage.

Our recommendation is to proceed with Option 2.

ESI-Conv-Allowance-Circular.pdf-1   DOWNLOAD