May 202022

Team building is as difficult as building a Lego building. It follows the same process of building every single piece to build the tall building but this doesn’t have a manual as the Lego structure has. What has to be considered here is that every piece of that Lego is necessary to build the building even if one is lost, the building is never complete. In the same manner, every member of the team is important to complete the team.

Often this segment of work is overlooked because of workload and it is sometimes considered not important, unnecessary and a waste of time. But all of it is wrong. It holds significance in an employee’s life. It is important to build a connection between people who are bound to work with each other daily.

Many ways could be put in motion to acquire a strong team but here are a few that seemed to achieve amazing results.

1. Team lunches.

Team lunches are one of the great ways to acquire bonding between the team. Well, lunches do have a special touch to them because they occur during work hours because of which no one has to shift any plans they have. And who doesn’t like to have fun while working hours anyways? Also, during such team lunches, a feeling of belonging can be experienced. People sit close to each other and have small conversations. They open up in this process. It is considered that food always has a special place for most people so it may be an easy way to get people to converse. It can also pave a path for the newcomers to talk to others because they get a chance to mingle with their team outside of work.

2. Team activities. 

To improve the team’s strength as a whole, assigning them an activity seems like a wonderful option. It doesn’t have to be something tough or something out of the box but something simple will do, too. A small task will get them to talk and they may find each other’s opinions on topics and this could create a common ground for them to converse on. This could also lead to understanding the team member’s interests and dislikes. They could smartly choose which member should be involved in which activity for their team to win. Simply, the teams get to know each other.

3. Team outings.

Team outings do play a very important role. Such outings should be taken a few times around the year. Everyone surely has an image that they withhold while they are on the office premises. But no one can maintain an image for the whole time. An outing allows the team to have fun without judging each other and also express themselves openly. There are types of outings that could be done. They could go hiking, camping, or just as much as a simple farmhouse stay. This could be an opportunity to freely enjoy and understand each other. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

4. Team relations.

Understanding the title might be a bit tricky but the meaning of it is surely not. What can be classified in this section would be simple things such as birthdays and greetings or just small celebrations. When there is someone’s birthday, let the team and all the others take a moment to wish the person or cut a cake. This would make them happy and they’d feel gratitude. Gratitude is another form of connection that strengthens a bond. If someone is leaving then have a small farewell, this would make the team emotionally strong to face the emptiness of the other person but it will also increase their dependency on each other, improving their relations.

5. Team awareness.

If a team has committed a mistake, it is a given that there are aftereffects of it. Maybe it is a mistake of a single person making the team fail or the entire team’s effort, all have to be considered as one. The entire team has to be rebuked and made aware of the mistake that had occurred. This will surely have different reactions amongst the members but they will learn not to make a mistake and anyone’s mistake would be considered one. This will also make them learn the importance of each other’s reliance and how important it is to stay together and coordinate.

6. Team conflicts.

No team doesn’t have conflicts. It’s often a saying, ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ but no one has ever heard a saying that says, ‘Where there are people, there are conflicts. Every person is different and not everyone can have the same opinion. There are often when disparities and disagreements occur in the group. Having different opinions is not wrong but not striving to find an agreeable spot is. At such times, showing them the mirror can be a way to urge them to solve their conflicts and find answers. This could help them tackle arguments and move ahead as one.

7. Team evolution.

This is a different segment in all the team-building strategies. It plays a different role somehow. A team is made of many people, some who have been there from the start and some who have come in the later stages and there are also the new arrivals. It may be a great way to motivate the entire team while making them know the evolution of the team from the start. The experienced could share their thoughts and it could raise a sense of emotion and motivation to keep going. The team goes through a particular emotion and it creates an internal understanding between them to hold onto this feeling and develop it further. These steps surely have sentimental values that’s why it is so different.

8. Team management.

Last but not the least, the management. Team management itself is teambuilding. How the team is being managed does make a difference. The difference lies in the action that the team head takes to make the work complete. It matters if the employee is pressured to work or is motivated to work. The building of a happy team depends right there.

These methods can achieve good results if implemented correctly.

May 162022

Oftentimes, there are days when people just don’t want to work. Everybody has mood swings, issues, personal problems, team rifts, etc, and that is acceptable. But does accept it mean it can continue? No! Whenever such phases arrive, they have to be sorted out and shoved back so that the momentum of the team which is parallel to the company’s growth shouldn’t cease.

Well, such phases don’t mean that you’ll fire an employee. (Obviously, not.) It’s just you have to clear the state of their mind and create room for motivation. It can’t be easy but it can’t be that difficult to achieve it either. But all you have to do is try.

There are a few ways to achieve this:

1. Have a one-on-one conversation.

A conversation can be presumed as a helpful action in any situation. Be it an individual or an entire team, a direct conversation can be proved as a better solution than just keeping all the things bottled up. Once things that are creating a rift are out in the open, a solution can be found that is deemed fit. This way, an individual’s problem or the cause of the team’s failing efforts can be known and solved. This also creates a bond of mutual trust amongst the team members which can achieve great results.

2. Have team-building activities.

Team building has proven to be a great effort. This doesn’t mean one thing but there are various types of activities that could be implemented. These activities have proved to achieve astonishing results in minimum time. Such activities also help with icebreaking, knowing each other, bonding, improving relations, and various other things among the team members. Including various teams in this can also cause teams to grow individually and progress together. This later depicts results in work, too.

3. Have active participation of members.

This is one of the subtle ways to open up the members to each other. Since all remain under the same roof but have different personalities, everyone needs to grow. Some are outgoing, extroverts, quick, and diligent while some are quiet, introverts, slow and sly. No matter what or who, all should be able to learn things. Including every member in one or another activity that suits their personality, likes or hobbies, etc, could be a good effort. There are so many festivals that come all around the year. Celebrating those little festivals to increase liveliness in the workplace is a great way to create a positive atmosphere to work and receive great results.

4. Create some fun little things to lighten up the place.

A workplace shouldn’t be boring or else people always feel lazy and tend to be less energized to work and be productive. Every workplace can’t be expected to be as glamorous as Paris Fashion Week but can be expected to be decent and cheerful. There could be a small implementation of things to enlighten the atmosphere. Such as creating a board with quotes, quirky writings, motivational thoughts, hanging of photos, etc. This could be kept on rotation to freshen up the place periodically. This refreshes the employee’s state of mind and creates a tinge of excitement to work and spot the changes, occasionally.

5. Install some group games in the workplace.

This is as fun as it reads. Games are one of the best stress-busters of all time. No one could argue that one is still exhausted after playing a game. It works like magic. So, some such games could be installed here and there for people to get relief from mental stress. Mainly, it is important to install group games as it will also help others to be involved in this and it will act as team building, too. Games like a Foosball table, Jenga, puzzles, table tennis, etc. could deem fit.

6. Scold, Motivate and Praise.

Everybody knows the trick to make a person work better. Yes, it is praise. A person always glows when receiving a compliment just like how they feel terrible when receiving a scolding. Scolding can be the first step to pushing them to do better. Soothe them down to motivate them to work better and inform them of your reasons and dissatisfactions. When they correct their doings, praise them. Motivate them often but don’t scold or praise them often. They should try harder not to be scolded and to receive a compliment. It surely makes them put an extra effort to receive that star on their hand.

7. Acknowledge their hard work and encourage them to progress.

When things go right and seem like they are continuing as planned, acknowledge their efforts. Acknowledging can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some people cry, some laugh, and some feel satisfied but it is expected to have positive effects on a person. Once acknowledged, the sense of relief that they feel makes them calm, composed and ready to face another challenge. This opportunity could be taken to implement another challenge, setting the bar higher every time. This would make the employee work harder to reach the goal and feel that calmness. Also, take time to encourage them to make more progress.

8. Have an understanding and empathy towards their situations.

Every day isn’t the same. Every member is going through a different daily life struggle. As a person who is supposed to look after them all, empathize with their situations. A person is getting married, someone is having a baby, some is experiencing a loss, and whatnot. In such situations, support the employee and it won’t be a waste. Try to make changes for them and they will be touched by your actions. When the situation surpasses, they will try to give their best just to repay you for your kind actions. This works in benefit for all and an unforced sense of trust and respect arises mutually amongst all.

Well, these are some ways that you can acquire great performance from the employees. There could be more if you tackle your employee’s needs and find a befitting technique to achieve so. There’s always room for more ideas and creativity.

May 132022

Recruiting can be called the hardest task of all ones that would be arriving ahead. It being the initial step in the hiring process, makes it the most difficult and significant one. Because a good start leads to a good end.

In all these, what is important is to recruit a candidate who will end up turning into a perfect employee for the job.

Often people worry about how to go through tons of resumes and sort out the suitable candidate and the not suitable ones. Though this feels like a heavy task, it is what your job demands you accomplish. It is a necessity to go through all the struggles even just to hire that particular employee that will do justice to your efforts and profit the company rather than bringing it to doomsday.

Not referring to it as a single employee can bring a company to its end but it’s just a saying because the start of one can grow and multiply, soon overbearing the workplace and exhausting it.

So, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

No one can completely explain why it is so important to hire a proper candidate but surely here are a few reasons listed below:

1. To save time, energy and effort.

If you have given a lot into hiring the candidate then why back out at the last step? Hiring in a hurry at the last moment will cost you double later. If the candidate is not right, it will take more time, energy and effort to teach the candidate the job and it will stop your productivity and more so the team’s. Also, adding an addition to the team should feel more like an addition than a division and subtraction of teamwork.

2. To maximize output with less input.

Candidates who have prior knowledge don’t need a lot of teaching to make them understand the process. There is no prejudice against candidates from different fields, it just means hiring someone who already has a gist of the position, irrespective of their field. What is required is a candidate who can quickly grab the notes and are ready to implement them. In this way, not much teaching is required and the candidate fits right into the team.

3. To strengthen the team spirit.

Whenever a new member is added, the team has to go through a few changes, intentionally or unintentionally. The addition of a new presence is sure a lot to get used to, too. Everyone has to learn about each other while also focusing on work, with a priority tag on it. At such times, the team gains momentum but the candidate might not keep up with it, losing the team spirit. This disheartens the other members and creates imbalance amongst them, which should not be the case with the team.

4. To avoid company details being out in the open.

For any employee to learn anything, it is a given that the company provides a lot of things. Most of them are licensed software accounts, company email IDs, computer passwords and a lot more things for easy access to the new member. This makes the company details known to one more person who is still not sure about staying in the company and growing together. If they leave, the information goes along with them and you can’t be quite sure if they would misuse it or not.

5. To avoid losing a good employee

Imagine choosing the wrong candidate from the circle, what is that you would receive? The answer is simple, a loss. Choosing the wrong candidate not only brings the wrong person in the wrong spot but also makes the right person unable to arrive at the right spot. You’d never know if choosing the other candidate would’ve given you better and desired results but you should be a better judge so you won’t miss a better candidate. Sometimes, a call back does work but it is not often that things happen the same way.

6. To abstain from making a loss.

This calls for a save. No one wants to make a loss on anything. If you wish to buy a thing for $10 and you get it at $5, you’re happy but what if the scenario is the opposite? You’ve paid $10 but received a $5 item? You’ll not like it. Just the same thing is to be applied here. The company is paying the employee a full payment but the work done by the employee is only half. Isn’t it such a waste and makes the company face a loss? So, it is better to get what you pay for, not less.

7. To experience positive growth.

When the employee is included in the team, it’s not just the employee taking time to learn things, the team also invests their time teaching the employee. The member should be able to adjust sooner and show good results. The team should feel like the presence of the new member has increased their overall value in the company’s growth scale. They should be able to reap profits for the company and keep pushing to reach new heights.

8. To avoid re-doing the whole process.

Nonetheless, no one wants to go through a lengthy process twice to hire the perfect candidate who was missed in the crowd. The process can either go by re-sorting or going to find a fresh one. In any case, the hard work and efforts stay the same which is a total waste of time and a disaster for personal mental balance. It is an unavoidable situation and ends up having to redo the process because of the necessity of someone to take the workload. It is better to do the job better on the first attempt and experience a positive environment than having to work again on it.

So, here are a few reasons stated that should surely awaken the desire in you to put some more effort and hire the right candidate. Also, these are the only few being stated here but in reality, there can be a lot of unsaid things that could occur and which don’t seem beneficial to the team or the company.

Henceforth, focus on what is needed rather than what is wanted.

May 102022
An HR position has invariably been a tough nut to crack. It certainly never has the same day because it has just so many people to meet and greet every day, for all the varied reasons. One of the main concerns is to hire the best credible candidate for any position.
The market is wide open and has many variations but not all the selections are the best to make. Some of them have different requirements and some are just not suitable for the position. Discovering the perfect ones is sure a hard task which makes rejections an often case. When the perfect candidate is found, the next obstacle that comes is compensation.
There are a few things that could be done to hire that suitable candidate with a fair compensation that would be profitable to both parties.

  1. Know your candidate’s minimum expectations.

Every candidate is different from the other and has different prospects as it is. Some of them do not belong to the relevant field but follow their interests in certain positions and give it a try. Also, there are a few from the applicable field and some with relative experience. Be it any of them, all of them have a minimum appetite for income, disregarding all the other things. Some hope for less and some hope for more but they all do anticipate something surely.

  1. Offer a negotiable salary range.

This does demonstrate to be one of the good means to make a judgment at a later stage. Not providing the exact compensation number, and notifying the range instead provides an ample gap that could later be negotiated. As an HR, you wish to conserve the money for the company and allocate the desired compensation to the suitable candidate. Offering a range makes it possible to later increase or decrease it after learning the candidate’s desired expectations. It often leads to a negotiation that could end up with good results.

  1. Understand the market value of the offered position

One of the most vital factors is market value. Given any position, it is important to offer a salary that is being offered in the market. If you offer a lower salary than the others, a few of them are bound to reject it. Once you provide in the range of the market value, they are bound to accept it, given that they’ll be offered the equal in all the different places. Then it will wholly depend on the company to finalize the hiring and the process would finish soon since the candidate is a promising one.

  1. Put the other perks and bonus cards on the table.

Sometimes, the salary budget given by the company seems to be maximized but if the candidate is a good one to let go, then you should try using other ways to convince them. The supplementary things that could work are the additional perks that the company provides. Be it some pick and drop, some meal facility, have it all out to lure the candidate to accept the offer. Also, year-end bonuses and festive bonuses accomplish success.

  1. Propose a few months’ probation periods.

Most of the time, it happens that the candidate is partially satisfied with the compensation but still seeks to receive a little more than that. Well, it’s not a wrong desire as such. And the candidate is a decent one. In that case, a probation period could be a better option. This gives time to both the HR and the candidate to judge things. The HR can conclude if the candidate is indeed capable of being provided with more or not. At the same time, the candidate gets the gist of what the work exactly consists of. The probation period can last anywhere from one month to six months, generally.

  1. Make a good bond with the candidate.

This step, if not, can be considered one of the most important ones. Believe it or not, a simple rapport does make a person lose their judgments. A candidate desires a friendly atmosphere while working and a kind that would make it comfortable for them to work. At the start, HR is the face of the company for the candidate. Based on how HR treats the candidate, they make a mental note on the company. If HR provides a friendly bond and enough comfort for the candidate to share their honest reviews, the candidate is bound to accept the provided compensation just to at least have a good atmosphere while working.

  1. Be prepared to make a choice.

There undoubtedly are different kinds of people and there are tons of different ways to deal with them. Some are demanding while some are not. As it is, it’s not easy to find the desired candidate but having their few demands to fulfill is an issue. Some of them are surely ready to accept but express small requests that they want to be fulfilled to take up the position. While some could be fulfilled, some are not. So, at such crucial times, it is better to make a choice. A choice to either provide the candidate or to drop them. Choose whatever appears more beneficial.

  1. Knowing the bottom line and when to quit.

This is one of the important things to keep in mind. Surely, desired candidates don’t line up in number but that doesn’t mean if one is missed there isn’t anyone else. The candidate can be provided with everything but still, wish for something more. At times like these, persuading them into accepting the offer wouldn’t work. So, it is better to let them go and find a better suitable candidate for the position who doesn’t have so many demands. Also, the company holds a reputation that should be protected.

End of the day, these are a few things that could be done to hire the most suitable candidates for the position. Surely, not all of them suggest hiring them but all of them do signify finding an agreeable term for both the parties to benefit. Also, one should always believe that there exists a perfect candidate that will come along the way, some way or the other. So, just wait for them.

May 022022

Appended below is the Pan India Compliance calendar for May 2022, employer is under obligation to contribute towards some of the above-mentioned compliances for the welfare of the employees. Each of these compliances is again governed by a set of rules and formulas. It is proven to be a deliberate attempt to violate the provisions of the law, there could be imprisonment of the employer. Please, comply with the same in time to avoid any future non-compliance so that hefty penalties and fines are not charged by the respective dept.


Apr 222022

The Central Government hereby appoints the 1st day of April 2022, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act, namely,—

(i) sections 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and sections 45A to 45H of Chapter IV(Contribution)
(ii) sections 46 to 73 of Chapter V ( Benefits) and
(iii) sections 74, 75, sub-sections (2) to (4) of sections 76, 80, 82, and 83 of Chapter VI (Adjudication of disputes and claims) shall come into force in all the areas of Nagapattinam district in the State of Tamil Nadu.


Enforcement of Provisions towards ESIC in Nagapattinam district Tamil Nadu  


Apr 202022

Department of Labour, Madhya Pradesh - Photos | Facebook

Madhya Pradesh Minimum wages have been revised from 1st April to 30th Sept 2022.


Madhya Pradesh minimum wages (01 Apr 2022 – 30 Sept 2022)  



Apr 182022

Gujarat Minimum wages from 1st Oct 2021 to 31st Mar 2022

Gujarat Minimum Wages has been revised from 1st April 2022 to 30th September 2022.



Gujarat special allowance (1st Apr 22 – 30th Sept 22)   


Gujarat Minimum Wages (1st Apr 22 – 30th Sept 22)  



Apr 132022

Following Section 203A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Form 49B, as per the Income Tax Act of 1961, is a required document to fill out if an individual seeks to obtain their TDS number. People who don’t have a TAN but use TDS deduction are likely to be penalized with a fine of Rs 10,000.

Therefore, the ability to fill out this form promptly is crucial. Another reason this form is crucial is since banks can deny the execution of transactions when the person paying is not an account number.

It is essential to ensure that accurate and complete information is entered on form 49B to avoid rejection.


TAN, also known as a tax deduction and collection account number an alpha number with 10 numbers. It is a number that must be obtained by every person accountable for tax deducting or collecting.

It is required to include TAN in any TDS/TCS return (including any electronic TDS/TCS return) and any payment made through TDS/TCS certificate and TDS/TCS challan. If you plan to be eligible for the TAN, the application to allot TAN has to be submitted in Form 49B.

It will then be presented at one of the Facilitation Centres to receive returns from e-TDS. Addresses of the TIN FC are available at or

TAN is allocated to the Income Tax Department based on the form submitted at TIN Facilitation Centres operated by NSDL. NSDL will inform the TAN that will have to be included in all future correspondence related to TDS/TCS.

The documents do not have to be submitted in connection with the application to allotment of TAN. But, if the application is submitted online, the acknowledgment generated after completing the application form has to be sent to NSDL. The specific guidelines for this procedure can find on


If a duplicate TAN is allocated, the application can fill for the cancellation of the TAN, which was not utilized by filling out the “Form for Changes or Correction in TAN, which can download from the website of NSDL. ( or printed using local printers or downloaded from other sources. The application is also accessible at the TIN Facilitation Centres.

If you have a duplicate TAN is assigned to you, this TAN is to be utilized. The TAN that is used frequently should be utilized. The rest of the TANs should surrender for cancellation using

Form for Changes or Correction in TAN, which can download from the website of NSDL (


  • Form is to be filled legibly in ENGLISH in BLOCK LETTERS.
  • While filling the form, each box, wherever provided, should contain only one character (alphabet/number/punctuation mark) leaving a blank box after each word.
  • Left-hand thumb impression, if used, should be attested by a Magistrate or a Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer, under official seal and stamp.
  • Deductors/ Collectors are required to provide details of the Assessing Officer (TDS /TCS) in the application. These details can be obtained from the Income Tax Office.
  • The deductors/collector must fill up Area Code, AO Type, Range Code, and AO Number. These details can be obtained from the Income Tax office or TIN Facilitation Centre (TIN-FC) may assist in doing so.
  • Form should be filled up completely.
  • ‘Designation of the person responsible for making payment/collecting tax’ field is mandatory to fill up, wherever applicable.
  • The address of the applicant should be an Indian address only.


TAN is required for every person because without it, Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) or Tax collected at Source (TCS) returns will not be acknowledged by TIN facilitation centres. Banks are not able to accept challans for TDS/TCS payments if the TAN number is not specified.

It is important to note that if you do not submit an application for TAN or do not provide the 10-digit alphanumeric code on specific documents such as TDS/TCS tax returns, eTDS/eTCS returns, TDS/TCS certificates, and TDS/TCS payment challans are subject to a penalty of Rs. 10,000.

Everyone who is required to deduct or collect taxes at the source for the Tax department is required to apply for and get 10 digits of the alphanumeric code TAN.


A Tan card shows the ten-digit alphanumeric number that anyone accountable for a tax deduction or collection must get. The Tax department assigns this number to taxpayers. The tax department allocates this specific number to taxpayers.

Additionally, it is important to know that lenders cannot take TCS or TDS documents if the TAN is not mentioned. Therefore, the absence of a TAN number on official documents could result in Rs10,000 as a penalty.

Thus, those required to deduct tax at the source or collect taxes have to acquire the TAN card. However, those required to deduct tax under sections 194IA, 194-IB, or 194M are not required to apply for TAN.

Before filling out the TAN request form, be aware of its different forms.


  • Application for allotment of new TAN:

The application can be made online on the NSDL-TIN website or downloaded to submit offline. It asks for details like name, address, contact number, nationality, PAN, existing TAN etc. Applicants need to pay a TAN application processing fee of Rs. 65 (Rs. 55 as application charge + 18% GST).


  • Application for change or correction in TAN data for allotted TAN:

If allotted, the change or correction form requires details like the 10-digit TAN, deductors category, name, address, nationality, and PAN. It also has rows to mention the changes/ corrections required.


Applicants need to prove the allotment of TAN by submitting a TAN allotment letter issued by the IT department or a printout of the TAN details. The fee charged for a correction application is Rs. 63 (plus service tax, as applicable).


  • Online application

You can visit the NSDL-TIN website to apply for TAN. An acknowledgement will appear on the screen at the time of confirmation of the correct uploading of the TAN allotment application.

  • Offline application

If an applicant chooses the offline mode, s/he should visit the nearest TIN Facilitation Centre (TIN-FC) and submit the application in Form 49B in duplicate. The addresses of TIN-FC are given on the NSDL-TIN website.

You can submit your online application to the card using these instructions:

Check out the official website.


  • Select the TAN option from the menu of services on the home page.  Click on the ‘apply online’ option and choose the ‘new TAN.’  On the page redirected, select the appropriate class of deductors.
  • The website now will direct you to fill out Form 49B.
  • Fill out the form, then hit the submit option.
  • The screen will show the 14-digit acknowledgment number as well as other information.
  • Save this page and make an image of it to print.
  • Additionally, this printout, along with the required documents, should be delivered to the address below: NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited 5th floor Mantri Sterling Plot No.341, Survey No.997/98, Model Colony Near Deep Bungalow Chowk Pune – 411016.
  • In the alternative, if you’re uneasy about making the TAN form online, you may go offline. But, then, the process remains the same. But, it would be best if you went to the TIN facilitation center near you. You can also request Form 49B at any TIN facilitation center and then fill it out.


  • Deductors/Collector can obtain Form No. 49B in the format prescribed by Income Tax Department from TIN-FCs, any other stationery vendor providing such forms or freely download it from the NSDL website ( or the Income Tax Department website (


  • The fee for processing the TAN application to be paid to TIN-FCs is ` 55/- (plus service tax, as applicable).


  • If the applicant has already been allotted a ten-digit alphanumeric TAN, it should not apply again as having or using more than one TAN is illegal. However, different branches/divisions of a deductors/collector may apply for separate TAN for each branch/division.


  • If the deductors/collector has already been allotted TAN and wants any change in particulars (e.g. name, address etc.), it should fill up ‘Form for changes for Correction in TAN data for TAN allotted’ and submit the same at any TIN-Facilitation Centre.


  • Deductors/Collector will receive an acknowledgement containing a 14-digit unique number from the TIN-FC on submission of Form No. 49B. This acknowledgement number can be used by the deductors/collector to track its application status.


  • For more information, / application status enquiry – Visit us at – Call TIN Call Centre at 020-27218080. – e-mail us at – SMS NSDLTAN acknowledgement no. & send to 57575 to obtain application status. – Write to National Securities Depository Limited, 3rd Floor, Sapphire Chambers, Near Baner Telephone Exchange, Baner, Pune – 411 045.


Form 49B is a long application form consisting of various types of information. Listed below are the form contents that need to be filled out and submitted.

  • The first section details the particulars about the office name, the type of government it falls under, the address of the office, designation of the person who will make tax payments on behalf of the entity, company branch, division of the company, information on whether the TAN is in the name of HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) or individual and so on.
  • Second section deals with the address of the entity. It includes the complete address details like block number, street number, area code, state, town, city etc.
  • The third block of information is about the nationality of the deductors.
  • The Permanent Account Number of PAN is to be mentioned in this section if applicable.
  • The existing Tax Deduction Number is to be filled in in this section.
  • The existing Tax Collection Number is to be filled in in this section.
  • The date on which the form is being submitted is the next piece of information.
  • In the end, the person filling out the form and applying has to fill in their details to verify that the information mentioned above is true to the best of their knowledge.

In the end, the applicant has to sign the form or put their thumb impression to verify the form’s contents.


Acknowledgment receipt printout via NSDL website if you’ve completed the form online. If you submit the form in person, there are no additional necessary documents that must submit.


For TAN enrolment, no specific document or identification proof is required. However, obtaining a TAN Form 49B must be completed and submitted. The procedure for registering is explained below:

  • It is necessary to fill out and submit form 49B online. You can also mail the completed form 49b to any TIN Facilitation Center of NSDL. It’s simple to fill out the form online.

If you find any data you have entered incorrectly, make it right and submit it online.

  • A confirmation window will pop up, and it will ask for your signature.
  • After confirming the required information on form 49B, an Acknowledgement Receipt is issued. It comprises the names of the person applying and the applicant’s current status, 14 numbers for Acknowledgement, contact information, payment information, and a signature space.
  • The payment for the nominal amount has been made to fill out Form 49B via Demand Draft, Cheque or Credit/Debit Card, or Net Banking.
  • Demand Drafts must be in favour of NSDL or TIN. TIN,
  • Demand Draft must pay at Mumbai. It must be made payable to the at the address of NSDL at NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited 5 5th Floor Mantri Sterling, Plot

No. 341 Survey No. 997/8 Model Colony, Near Deep bungalow Chowk, Pune- 411016

  • After successful payment with Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking, the acknowledgment receipt appears. The person making the payment must save this receipt print it. And then forward this to the NSDL facilitator center.
  • Your Acknowledgement, along with demand drafts, if there is one, must reach NSDL within 15 days of the date of your online application.
  • Should they wish to, the applicants can track how they are doing with their TAN with the 14 acknowledgment numbers in digits on the website whenever they need to.
  • New applications are free. Costs are in the amount of. 65. If your application is denied because of discrepancies, there is no way to be reimbursed.
  • It is required for all assessors to collect TAN, which is required to take deductions of TDS. If assessors do not obtain the TAN, they could be subject to Rs. 10,000/-



The information provided in this document is generic and is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be considered an investment, financial, or tax advice or as an offer or an offer to purchase any investment product.


Apr 112022

The Government of Chhattisgarh vides notification NO/08/2022/1897, has revised the VDA effective from 1st April 2022 to 30th September 2022.