Nov 142022

Registration – not mandatory:

The Partnership Act does not require the registration of a Firm as a mandatory process, however, only registered firms are considered legally existing. The firm can get registered any time before the existence or during the continuance of the partnership.


Essentials of Partnership Firm:

A Partnership firm is one of the most significant forms of business organization. Where two or more persons come together to form a business and divide its profits and losses in an agreed ratio, then it is a partnership firm.

The type of business organization includes any kind of business, occupation, trade, and profession. The partnership firm can be incorporated only by drafting the partnership deed and getting it stamped. It is even optional to register a partnership firm with the Registrar of Firms. If partners want it to get registered, they have to apply for it to the Registrar of Firms.


Rules as to the name of a Partnership Firm:

While selecting a name for a proposed firm to be registered, one should keep in mind that a firm shall not have any of the names or emblems specified in the Schedule to the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950, or any colorable imitation thereof, unless permitted so to do under that Act. Also, the name should not be the one that is likely to be associated by the public with the name of any other firm on account of similarity. Further, any name which, in the opinion of the Registrar, for reasons to be recorded in writing, is undesirable should not be selected.


Application for registration of a Partnership Firm:

An application form for registration of a Firm has to be filed to the Registrar of Firms of the area/State in which any place of business of the firm is situated or proposed to be situated along with the fees prescribed by the Government, which varies from State to State. Such an application would include the following details:

  • Name of the Firm;
  • Nature of business of the Firm;
  • Principal place of business of such Firm;
  • Location of any other places where the Firm carries on business in the above name;
  • Name and permanent address of all the partners;
  • Date of joining by each partner;
  • Duration of the Firm.

Such an application is required to be signed and verified by all the partners or their agents if authorized. Also, such application may be delivered to the Registrar through post or hand delivery or by applying online.


Documents required for registration of Firm:

The following documents are required to be submitted along with the application form for registration of the Firm, with the Registrar:

  • Certified copy of Partnership deed;
  • PAN Card and Address proof of partners;
  • Proof of principal place of business of the Firm, viz., rent agreement or another ownership document like electricity bills, etc ;
  • Affidavit certifying all the details mentioned in the partnership deed and documents are correct and
  • GST Registration


Certificate of Registration issued by Registrar:

If the Registrar is satisfied with the application and the documents and that all the provisions of section 58 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 have been duly complied with, he would register the firm in the Register of Firms by recording an entry of the statement and issue the Registration Certificate.

The registered Firm should use the brackets and the word (registered) immediately after its name.

Nov 072022

What is a training management system?

Your entire training operation should be centered around Training management software. It will allow you to link all of your other preferred tools into the system and offer the flexibility to handle any part of your business from the design. Doing this allows you to manage every aspect of your training company without transferring numerous tools and systems. Before using TMS, you need recruitment software to onboard the employee.

Integrating software with your existing tools means you are never limited by the capabilities of a single piece of software. Consequently, you can construct a custom system that reflects your organization’s operations. It takes a lot of planning and coordination across all the teams in your company to schedule and run many courses.

Who uses a training management system?

The front-of-house functions of a training management system have received a brief mention; however, the platform is mainly used by staff members in HRMS services. As a result, training managers, administrators, and staff members who sell instructor-led training are typically the ones who deal with it regularly.

Although a TMS can serve training organizations of different sizes, each training organization has unique requirements. A TMS might slightly favor one audience over another, so it’s up to you to figure out what you need so you can check the appropriate options.
1. Internal training:- Educating those who do not pay to take a course, such as upgrading your workforce.
2. External training:- Training participants in courses that pay a fee

The most important functional difference between these two audiences is that external, commercial training requires extra features that internal training operations may not require.
– Website integration: Typically, your storefront is an e-commerce website.
– Business analytics- Be aware of the schedule’s costs, revenues, profitability, and breakeven thresholds.
– Financial:- Incorporate payments into your accounting system after capturing them.

Benefits of Training Management Software

1. Support corporate culture:- Great leaders are aware that they cannot instill a culture within their company; instead, they must identify the culture that already exists and strengthen it. You may learn more about the current culture of your business and the values that make it up by successfully utilizing your learning management system’s survey and feedback features.

2. Provide development opportunities:- Many people only utilize their LMS for courses that are primarily about business compliance or internal operations. They do not consider the numerous programs offered to assist staff in acquiring professional competencies apart from those necessary for compliance. Training programs in leadership development, supervisor/management, and effective communication aid candidates in getting ready for positions at higher levels of the company.

3. Schedule events and meetings:- Online calendars and schedulers aren’t just for use during training sessions. You can arrange for everyone in the office to take an hour off to attend video meetings, seminars, or even interactive events like guest lecturers. The training management system makes excellent communication vehicles for every internal message, notice, memo, or newsletter.

4. Perform Frequent evaluations:- Written exams, multiple-choice tests, and even blended learning sessions can all be scheduled by TMS. When assessments are finished, you can analyze the work using performance management software to improve work management. Regular evaluations provide evidence of what’s working and what isn’t, enabling you to successfully change internal initiatives and programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the purpose of software training?
A. Reducing the amount of trial and error so that each job is finished as quickly as possible. Learning the most recent information is possible since live training is based on current knowledge and questions, whereas blog postings and books may be contradictory or outdated. Staff productivity has increased.

Q2. How does a training management system work?
A. A training management system is a more efficient version of the daily management tasks you presently perform for your training firm. You can automate routine tasks and run your entire training company from a single system with features like online registration, course management, CRM, and more.

Q3. What is the importance of training in an Organisation?
A. Through training, workers can develop new skills, polish those they already have, perform better, boost productivity, and become better leaders. Organizations should exert every effort to ensure that individuals perform at their highest levels because a firm is a culmination of what each employee accomplishes individually.

Oct 072022

If anyone wonders whether corporate training is essential to employees, they should start wondering if a user manual is required to learn about a piece of heavy machinery. Well, the answer is as clear as a day, it is fundamental. Along with being significant, it is rather a lot beneficial, too. As a person who is about to embark on the corporate world, they must have an idea about the things that go down here and the way the work is carried around here. Also, they must be well aware of the all-around rules and regulations and company-exclusive conditions.

Corporate training makes it easier for an employee to fit in the company space and create a self-proclaimed identity amongst the team. It is a way of understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses and certainly helps one emphasize the areas of improvement. This could be contributed by an internal team or can be provided by an externally hired team.

Getting into detail about the benefits of this training:


Pre-instilled knowledge.

They were generally called ‘Knowledge Transfer’ or ‘KT’, in the corporate world. As the name suggests, it is the transfer or sharing of knowledge from a senior to a junior; a newcomer. This entitles nurturing of basic work knowledge then the employee will conduct into them. In such a case, the employee is not entirely unaware of his role. Even though guidance is still required, it wouldn’t be a lot of pressure because the employee has a gist about their tasks. This could be done before joining or while onboarding.


Improvement in team strength.

While KT, the bond between the senior employee and the newcomer blooms. This bond further enhances creating excitement among the team, to have a newcomer who is already efficient. This creates a good rapport amongst the team which delivers good results. The employee would feel useful and contribute more to the team wanting to achieve higher success, which ahead motivates the other members. All in all, everyone grows with the flow of new blood in the team.


Social awareness.

In the training, a part of the training would be etiquette. In a world where people earn, etiquettes are what makes a person remarkable and memorable. A person who behaves well and is a faster worker, a sweet talker, a charmer, etc, is the one who succeeds in this social network. As networking is an important aspect of growth, the employee learns how to behave, capture good deals and make good impressions, creating a good name for themself and the company. This is beneficial as the employee becomes ready to face an obstacle without fear and succeeds well.


Motivation and continuation.

When the seniors share their knowledge with the juniors, a sense of achievement forms within them that keeps them motivated and makes them want to perform better and be good role models to the juniors. This motivation also makes them continue working for the company which then reduces the number of attritions. This training is an easy way to make the senior employees motivated without putting in a lot of effort. This makes it easier for the juniors to communicate with the seniors and the seniors enjoy the delight of being a teacher.


Operational business plans.

When the employee is trained, it is expected of them to receive the knowledge and put it to good use. The company invests time in them, anticipating a worthy outcome. Given that the employee is pre-informed of their duties, they formulate action plans that will help the company grow. They have new ideas and they match them up with the new techniques and things they learned during the training. This surely makes good proposals and keeps the team engaged in formulating new ideas.


Engaged in the process.

One can only be involved in the process if one knows what the process is. Since the employee has already been given knowledge and sheds light on the company tasks, ideologies, tagline, etc, they can now be incorporated into the process. After the training, they are well accustomed and comprehend the process easily. They immerse themselves in the task apart from just being an onlooker, further, learning completely about each task ahead of the process. In the long run, they would excel at all the processes sooner making them want to learn more and indulge more, and the loop goes on.


Reality check.

This point is made not in a way to criticize an employee but as a sort of conclusion being conveyed to them by themselves. During the entire time of training, they have a chance to understand and explore various things taught by someone very experienced and also understand what they like the most. At the same time, they can learn to acknowledge what they do best and what they are not fit for. This gives them a clear mirror of what tasks they should focus on and what process they have a good understanding of. This can help them balance themselves and create equilibrium within all the tasks to excel at all of them.


Pushing limits.

Would a person who recently learned skating, keep the board aside? Definitely, not. The same is the case with everyone who learns new things. Just like the skateboarder trying to clear difficult stages by pushing themselves, the same thing happens with employees. Once they learn one thing, they keep pushing their limits, while practicing and trying to excel at it, by challenging themselves to do better. This is a self-challenge but the one who bears the fruit is not just the employee but also the company.


Concluding, it’s clear how the benefits of training don’t work just for the juniors but also for the seniors who teach them. It also creates a good bond while sharing knowledge. All in all, it seems like a very good option to keep the company growing and the employees going hand-in-hand to keep pushing themselves to achieve greater success.


Sep 272022

The Government of Uttarakhand, vide notification No. 3367/4-01/13 has released revised Minimum Wages effective from 1st October 2022 to 31st Mar 2023.


Please refer to the notification for more details.

The Uttarakhand minimum wages notification October 2022 DOWNLOAD 


Sep 022022

Appended below is the Pan India Compliance calendar for September 2022, employer is under obligation to contribute towards some of the above-mentioned compliances for the welfare of the employees. Each of these compliances is again governed by a set of rules and formulas. It is proven to be a deliberate attempt to violate the provisions of the law, there could be imprisonment of the employer. Please, comply with the same in time to avoid any future non-compliance so that hefty penalties and fines are not charged by the respective dept.

Aug 162022

A culture is a form of representation and a portrayal of various values followed by different people. The world is loaded with various cultures and tons of different customs and traditions. Every culture has its anecdotes and heritage. It sure is a lot respected and valued amongst people. What is noteworthy is that every culture is sacred to their own but others do respect and celebrate it, too.

Amongst all the above, a country like India has cultural events going all-round the year. Every other month a festival arrives. And all the people celebrate it together which makes it even more fun. May it be any other country, cultural events are significant to all and make a good atmosphere around the people.

It is a good way to use it to boost the energy in the office, too, and make all the employees form close-knit community-like sentiments. It has numerous effects on the mindset of the employee and most of them are good ones. Below are all of them mentioned in detail;


As work goes on every day with a routine, surely, everyone gets bored after a while. Waiting for the same weekend to arrive so they could relax. But what happens when they have an event right in the middle of the week? Well, extra happiness to have a celebration right in the middle of the week. It gives them a delight and also makes them want to work more so they would get to relax at that time. No one can deny such a change in the weekdays, anyway. The event changes their mind zone so when they are back to work, they are fresh and energetic.

Change of atmosphere

This opportunity, if used to celebrate in the office, there will be another jackpot that would be hit. Celebrating a cultural event in the office is quite hectic but the amazing part about it is that the entire office is on wheels at times like this, and the fact that not on grudge-filled wheels but happy wheels. Everyone wants to take part in it and they complete their work soon just so they can contribute towards the preparations of the event. It makes the employees light up in excitement. It puts them in a good mood.

Effect of a group break

What’s better than a break? A group break! When activities are held during the celebration, everyone has to prepare for the activities during working hours. Who doesn’t like an entire crew of people sitting and working for something exciting and different from everyday tasks? This group break makes them cheerful and bubbly for no specific reason. It is just them being together and doing something fun that makes them jovial, like a festive spirit. It can encourage them to work fast and better just so they can join the activity crew to do the preparation. And who doesn’t want to get paid for having fun, right?

Learning about the team

There is no better way of learning about someone than by spending time with them. The celebrations in the office compel them to spend time with each other and open up about each other. Given that all events can’t be celebrated in the office so the employee takes a holiday. At times like these, the team members are curious about the event and have a small conversation wanting to learn about it. It makes the members happy to know that everybody cares about their culture. It’s a good way of showing respect and affection for the team while learning about them.


Well, in the stance that it is celebrated together, the teamwork doubles because everyone has a motive to work on. A celebration requires a lot of preparations and it’s no joke. Even if a little event is to be celebrated, a lot goes on because of work and preparations, both have to be taken care of in the same amount of time. At such times, the team is ready to take action mode and go all down to succeed at both the tasks while helping each other. In another case of a holiday taken by a specific employee, the team members cover for them which makes the member feel grateful and this boosts team spirit.

Mental stress buster

A change of environment does bring a change in thoughts and perceptions. Experiencing the events going around, energy is formed which makes everyone feel relaxed. It surely is a stress buster. It helps us discharge our mental stress and charge it with happiness. It has a climate going around, to the ones who celebrate and even to the ones who don’t. It makes a difference in people’s daily thoughts which makes a difference in their work.

Sharing of culture and values

Every cultural event has a message. When they are celebrated, every story creates a different sensation in the employee’s mind. It affects their mindset. While it mostly motivates them to do better since they know they have relaxed, they also have a feeling of respect for others. As the event passes, they understand what a cultural event is and what is its importance. Although over the years people comprehend it, recollecting it from time to time can be a good aspect for them to feel the change.

Motivational boost

Well, it is no surprise that every event has its highest point and the lowest point. It starts a few days earlier than the event day, reaches its highest point, and then comes to the lowest point. The peak makes everyone happy but when it’s over, it gets gloomy to go back to the same routine when they had a blast during the event. This will lose the focus and make them lazy but at the end of the day, they’ll pull together because that is what professional life is all about; pulling yourself together. In the end, they end up self-motivating, wanting to work hard until the next event arrives.

All in all, it is a journey that comes to an end. Employees go through an emotional rollercoaster as they become elated, excited, exhausted, etc. All the ‘E’s together are probably the best combination.

Jul 312022

Appended below is the Pan India Compliance calendar for August 2022, employer is under obligation to contribute towards some of the above-mentioned compliances for the welfare of the employees. Each of these compliances is again governed by a set of rules and formulas. It is proven to be a deliberate attempt to violate the provisions of the law, there could be imprisonment of the employer. Please, comply with the same in time to avoid any future non-compliance so that hefty penalties and fines are not charged by the respective dept.

Jul 042022

Appended below is the Pan India Compliance calendar for July 2022, employer is under obligation to contribute towards some of the above-mentioned compliances for the welfare of the employees. Each of these compliances is again governed by a set of rules and formulas. It is proven to be a deliberate attempt to violate the provisions of the law, there could be imprisonment of the employer. Please, comply with the same in time to avoid any future non-compliance so that hefty penalties and fines are not charged by the respective dept.


Jun 022022

Appended below is the Pan India Compliance calendar for June 2022, employer is under obligation to contribute towards some of the above-mentioned compliances for the welfare of the employees. Each of these compliances is again governed by a set of rules and formulas. It is proven to be a deliberate attempt to violate the provisions of the law, there could be imprisonment of the employer. Please, comply with the same in time to avoid any future non-compliance so that hefty penalties and fines are not charged by the respective dept.

May 262022

If you want to go with the goal-oriented approach, the first step would be setting goals. It could be considered as nothing could be achieved without a goal. A company runs on goals and checklists to hit every quarter to be successful. Goals can be that fuel that keeps the engine going.

It is not like everyone has the same goal but, in a company, the common goal is to achieve success and that, too, as one. Achieving a goal for an individual seems like a hard task, achieving the same goal with various individuals would be the next level. Obviously, it’s not a day’s work.

What makes it arduous is the fact that improvements should be seen with this approach or it would be considered a failed attempt. Surely it isn’t an easy task and hard to stay on the path but there are always ways that would help plan and achieve it well.

1. Plan the goals.

Well, if you want to learn ‘ABCs’ start with A. Isn’t that how it is? A major task is planning the goals. First of all, the company values should be deduced and goals should be made. The goals should be a motive that the company is working for. It should mean something worth achieving. Planning what a goal should be is like putting the heart out and putting it in words. Also, it is necessary to plan goals that are possible and could be achieved in a definite period of time. Planning insensible goals can demotivate the employees which will make them lose their focus.

2. Deciding on short-term and long-term goals.

This separation of goals can be viewed as a stepping stone to achievement. The short-term goals could become a pathway to achieving the long-term goals. In this way, every achieved short-term goal will motivate the employees to reach for the next one. Without even realising they would achieve all the goals and reach the long-term goal. In this way, the stress is manageable, the work atmosphere is balanced and constant movement is being performed to reach the long-term goal. Also, as the saying goes, ‘Slow and steady, wins the race’. It surely is being put into action.

3. Distribute time to each task.

Distribution of time is important because it makes managing that time even better. It can be also viewed as an act of ‘Divide and Conquer. Dividing time for every task and conquering each task on time. This will declutter the worries and create a smooth pathway to finish the task. This can also make it possible to achieve more in less time. The organization of time and tasks makes it simpler to accomplish them.

4. Make a note of everything.

One of the good habits of all time. This habit can be a visual reminder of all the tasks that have been completed, going on and the ones that are still to be started. Jotting down things makes it quite clear about what is the goal plan and what is the current stats. It can also help to recognize any problem that occurs, such as locating where the actual problem is and what is that is hurdling the company from acquiring a particular goal. This way of tracking is very effective and if wisely used can prove a lot helpful, too.

5. Organize priorities.

In any task, priorities matter. Organizing tasks according to priorities can surely save a lot of trouble. Priorities can make it less stressful to stay on track of course. They can be arranged according to shorter ones first, early deadlines first, less complicated ones first, etc. It all depends on the way all the projects are timely completed because the specific goal here would be to complete all the tasks before the given time. This makes it a lot less complicated because it’s easier to note down the first goal/task that has to be accomplished.

6. Evaluate the progress.

This step is surely a great way to increase productivity through evaluation. When there are goals, focusing on goals can become addictive and wanting to complete them as soon as possible can become a need. While there is no saying that this is a bad habit, a person should be able to focus on all goals, not just work-related but also personal. At the same time, the mental sanity of the employees is also necessary. So, evaluating the progress can help you know when to push and when to take a break. These evaluations can also prove to become a motivation for them to work toward other goals.

7. Make necessary changes.

It is not always essential that the plans that are set will fall into stone. In everyday life, many things happen such as an employee falling sick, faulty machinery, late arrival of supplies, defective items, etc. These hurdles are unseen and sudden. So, you must adapt to these situations and make quick changes to the plan to stay on track. Quick improvisations in plans or extreme necessary changes should be made if required to keep continuing down the path to achieve a goal. For the start, it would prove difficult but continuous hard work and effort will surely achieve good results.

8. Work towards your goal.

Well, this could be considered the most important thing. All the above points that were discussed were regarding reaching a goal effectively and how to increase productivity through it but what is the most important is that all of the above-made plans are put into action. If reading this and just motivating yourself thinking that you will achieve this, it’s surely not how it is going to show any results. Follow all the steps and do it. Doing is the major part of it. Do not laze around or delay. When it is decided that this is how you are supposed to work towards a goal, work for it and achieve it. That is what will get you the results.

So, the above-mentioned things can be done if you want to achieve productivity through a goal-oriented approach. But remember, be it any goal, hard work is a must and there is no escaping it.